How To Reset Metabolism For Weight Loss?

How To Reset Metabolism For Weight Loss?

When you're trying to lose weight, it's all too easy to focus on the number on the scale. However, that is only one aspect of the story. To keep weight off, you must rewire your metabolism so that food, sleep, activity, and emotional stress elicit a healthy response. Here's why this works and how to reset your metabolism for weight reduction.

Why Don't Traditional Diets Work For Resetting Your Metabolism?

Whether it's traditional or fad diets, if you've ever tried to lose weight using these approaches, you know they rarely work. American researchers found that 80% of individuals who lose 10% or more of their body weight gain it back. 

However, this isn't a sign of inconsistency or a lack of willpower. The purpose of our bodies is to keep us alive when food is scarce. Our systems shift to survival mode to maintain weight when we limit calories.

What Is Metabolism?

During metabolism, food is converted into energy that the body needs to perform its daily functions utilizing chemical reactions within the body. 

Hundreds of interconnected cells, hormones, and molecular messengers make up your metabolic system. Your metabolic system works to "defend" the weight you're at when you start to eat a lower number of calories.

What is a set point?

Research shows that we each have a biological "set point," which is the weight our bodies strive to maintain no matter what our metabolism is like.

Biology, genetics, and the environment interact to determine your set point, which is closely controlled by your brain. To determine your set point, you need to know how your biology and genetics react to foods you eat, how much sleep you get, how much exercise you do, and how you feel emotionally (factors determined by your environment).

To conserve energy and make calories last longer, your body will slow down your metabolism to maintain your set point. Increasing hunger hormones and decreasing fullness hormones will also encourage you to consume more calories to replace lost calories.

Can you lower your set point?

You can do it! Diet supplements and fad diets, like keto and intermittent fasting, won't work. 

You can reset your metabolic set point only through a comprehensive program that targets the underlying biology of metabolic health. Your set point is determined by genetics, lifestyle habits, and environment. 

There is more to metabolic health than what the scale tells us. Having a balanced, healthy body also means having a balanced mind. Besides impacting your immune function and mood, metabolic health affects inflammation levels and your risk of chronic illnesses like diabetes and hypertension.

How long does it take to reset your metabolism?

A metabolic reset takes time, even with clinically proven medications and lifestyle changes. However, it's also the most effective method for achieving long-term weight loss.

In 6 months, you will change your metabolism's set point and then maintain those changes for good over an additional 6 months with the Weight Loss Coach program. The

Weight Loss Coach program combines prescription medication with food, exercise, sleep, and emotional health behavioural changes that have been shown to work in clinical studies.

What role does medication play in metabolic resets?

Weight loss medication such as the ones we prescribe in our program assist with weight reduction and resetting your metabolism by influencing how your body processes blood sugar and sending messages to your brain that regulate appetite and make you feel full.

When you lose weight, your body naturally produces more appetite and hunger. By resetting your metabolism, GLP1s aid in long-term weight loss rather than short-term fixes.

Your Metabolic Health

A lifestyle component is proven to have the most significant impact on long-term weight loss. Food, sleep, exercise, and emotional health are the four pillars of metabolic health. Besides being essential to your day-to-day life, these habits also impact your biology.

Diet and metabolism  

A person's metabolic health can be affected directly by what they eat. The best thing you can do to lower your blood sugar and improve your gut health is to focus on high-quality whole foods rather than a diet plan restricting calories or carbohydrates. Adding more of the right foods to your diet is one of our key goals when it comes to food. We help you learn how your body reacts to certain foods. 
Sleep and metabolism

To maintain a healthy metabolism and appetite, getting consistent, quality sleep and sleeping the appropriate amount of hours is essential. To help you improve your sleep and metabolic health, we help you establish a baseline of sleep and develop a consistent sleep schedule.

Exercise and metabolism

It is essential to exercise regularly if you want to lose weight permanently. A study shows that resistance strength training burns more calories than any other type of exercise. Muscle mass is also built, as well as metabolic health is improved. Regardless of your starting point, our exercise approach is designed to move a regular and joyful part of your life. 

Emotional health and metabolism

You can increase your metabolism and weight if you are stressed and unhappy. Hormones can affect your eating habits, your metabolism, and your weight over time. Science-based methods will assist you in reducing stress and identifying emotional health triggers that can impact your weight and metabolic function. 

Weight Loss Coach Approach To Resetting Your Metabolism


Studies demonstrate that programs like ours can permanently change your metabolism, helping you lose at least 10% of body weight over time.

Several benefits are associated with this percentage, including lowering diabetes risk (or possibly even reversing it), lowering several cardiovascular disease risk factors, including blood pressure and cholesterol, and improving mood and energy while reducing depression, arthritis, and sleep apnea.

Do you want to achieve your weight loss goals and improve your metabolic health through small, sustainable changes? Get in Touch With Us.


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